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ATTENTION: For Anyone Looking for a better way to scale a profitable business...
Using A Simple Repeatable Process That Anyone Can Copy
Create An Instantly Reputable Company Without Spending Loads Of Money On Designers Or A Branding Agency
Branding For Profit is a brand new counterintuitive approach to creating a highly profitable brand. When starting a business, most people make the mistake of considering a brand to be simply the brand elements i.e the name and the logo. They create these elements, do a launch, and then wonder they struggle to make sales.
The Branding For Profit approach is different. It goes beyond creating brand elements. Instead, it leverages powerful techniques based on human psychology scientifically proven to convert prospects into buyers. This psychological mind control remains mysteriously unknown to the general public. They are like magic tricks that have a potent effect on the unsuspecting customer. Yet big companies have been knowingly using these spellbinding tactics for many years.
But rather than having to spend years learning the science, Branding For Profit gives you an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. In just a few short hours, you will have everything you need to create a brand that attracts customers automatically and on repeat. You will be able to take advantage of the same tactics used by successful startup companies that turned their brands into multi-million dollar profit-generating machines.
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Download The Branding For Profit Bundle including eBook and branding course materials so you can start attracting customers today!
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Before we created the Branding For Profit framework – we were working with hundreds of clients helping them to
launch their startups. As a digital agency, we excelled at creating products such a Mobile Apps, and Saas
(Software As A Service) applications.
As I'm sure you are aware, the failure rate for startups is high.
After their product launch, a lot of our clients seemed to struggle to get customers. This meant we lost
clients fast.
So we decided to find a better way for them to launch.
We started building our own digital products as case studies. We wanted to learn all aspects of marketing
necessary to successfully launch a profitable Startup.
After many years of hard work, plus lots of trial and error, we had spent over $300,000 testing what works.
Although the marketing strategy was slightly different based on the industry we launched in, we noticed one
common trait amongst everything successful that we did.
We then looked back at all the companies we had worked with, and analyzed the industry as a whole. A clear
pattern emerged.
All the companies that crushed it on their launches had an Amazing Brand
The evidence was conclusive beyond a shadow of doubt. This one single factor accounted for most of a companies
See below for an article snippit that shows the importance of a brand when trying to get customers:
The problem is, a lot of Startups underestimate the importance of a Brand. Most of them don't realise the
simple mistakes that they are making when putting one together. These mistakes cost them dearly in lack of
customers and lack of revenue. It ultimately causes their Startups to fail.
The good news is these mistakes are easy to fix if you know what you are doing. And they are just as easy to
learn and apply. It doesn't require a ton of money to be spent designing a logo. And it doesn't require any
highly paid expertise. It simply requires you to follow a few simple principles.
The Branding For Profit framework includes the most important aspects that need to be considered when
a highly profitable brand.
We wanted a simple fast repeatable process that we could take our clients through before we developed their
digital solutions.
For some of the brands created with the framework, clients were getting offers for investment even before
they had sold a single product.
Whereas most entrepreneurs have to pitch their idea to hundreds of investors in order to raise capital, the
Branding For Profit approach made it easy to get funding. Their brands were perceived with high value way
before they had actual customers.
Now for the very first time, you can have access to this same framework, broken down into an easy to read
guide. Save yourself the time and money we went spent trying to find what works. Branding For Profit is a
shortcut to creating an amazing brand in the quickest time possible.
Every business is built on one thing and one thing only – it’s ability to generate revenue…
…And revenue is largely based on the ability to get customers.
Generating customers is also the #1 expense a business will incur in it’s quest for
…That’s why we developed the Branding For Profit model to allow you to attract prospective customers
…And then turn those customers into loyal fans that buy from you on repeat.
How far you scale is up to you!
Designed To Help You Get Your Brand Noticed On
Branding For Profit Kindle Supported E-book
(Digital PDF Download Also Included)
8 Chapters. 200 pages. All focused on one thing: helping you create a valuable brand that attracts customers automatically.
Fast Start Branding Video Series
Online Video Implementation Course
Understand what you need to do in hours rather than weeks or months with the Fast Start Branding Video Series. This online course will walk you through implementation every step of the way from zero all the way to launch.
Brand Style Guide Template
Digital PDF Download
This template helps your marketing stay on brand. It keeps your brand message consistent allowing your customers to build greater trust in you.
The Perfect Story Guide
Digital PDF Download
Crafting a Brand Story is essential to giving your Brand a Unique Position in the market place. This guide helps you to put that story together with a story plot proven to be the most effective.
Buyers Journey Template
Digital PDF Download
Every buyer goes through the same journey. Once you know what it is, you will be able to craft your message to move them along the path to buying your solution using this template.
The Perfect Customer Template
Digital PDF Download
Define your perfect customer using this template to remove difficult annoying customers from your business. Every customer will be a raving fan of your products or services.
The Entrepreneurs And Startups Community
Private Facebook Group
Get around other successful people on the same journey as you. Here you’ll find help, support, and inspiration.
The Persuasive Brand Guide
Digital PDF Download
Create a persuasive brand along with influential marketing with help from this guide. It breaks down the exact steps you take to persuade customers to buy without coming across 'salesy'.
Launch Checklist
Digital PDF Download
Ready to Launch? This checklist will ensure that you have covered the most important criteria for launching your brand. It guarantees you don't forget anything vital in a successful launch.
available for instant download
Delivered instantly. Start learning how to attract customers effortlessly in the next 2 minutes.
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Of loyal followers who consume your content, buy your products, and support what you do because they believe in your brand.
Without constantly wondering how you’re going to get your next customer.
Position yourself highly in the market place so you can generate substantial revenue and profit.
By Our Unconditional
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Learn how to develop a valuable brand that is able to generate revenue based purely on reputation alone.
So people find out about you and your business, and buy your products and services, even after you shut down the computer.
So they will always think about you when it comes time to buy instead of your competition.
8 Chapters. 200 pages. All focused on one thing: helping you create a valuable brand that attracts customers automatically.
Understand what you need to do in hours rather than weeks or months with the Fast Start Branding Video Series. This online course will walk you through implementation every step of the way from zero all the way to launch.
This template helps your marketing stay on brand. It keeps your brand message consistent allowing your customers to build greater trust in you.
Crafting a Brand Story is essential to giving your Brand a Unique Position in the market place. This guide helps you to put that story together with a story plot proven to be the most effective.
Every buyer goes through the same journey. Once you know what it is, you will be able to craft your message to move them along the path to buying your solution using this template.
Define your perfect customer using this template to remove difficult annoying customers from your business. Every customer will be a raving fan of your products or services.
Create a persuasive brand along with influential marketing with help from this guide. It breaks down the exact steps you take to persuade customers to buy without coming across 'salesy'.
Ready to Launch? This checklist will ensure that you have covered the most important criteria for launching your brand. It guarantees you don't forget anything vital in a successful launch.
Get around other successful people on the same journey as you. Here you’ll find help, support, and inspiration.
Backed By Our Unconditional
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Of loyal followers who consume your content, buy your products, and support what you do because they believe in your brand.
Without constantly wondering how you’re going to get your next customer.
Position yourself highly in the market place so you can generate substantial revenue and profit.
Learn how to develop a valuable brand that is able to generate revenue based purely on reputation alone.
So people find out about you and your business, and buy your products and services, even after you shut down the computer.
So they will always think about you when it comes time to buy instead of your competition.
Backed By Our Unconditional
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
8 Chapters. 200 pages. All focused on one thing: helping you create a valuable brand that attracts customers automatically.
Understand what you need to do in hours rather than weeks or months with the Fast Start Branding Video Series. This online course will walk you through implementation every step of the way from zero all the way to launch.
This template helps your marketing stay on brand. It keeps your brand message consistent allowing your customers to build greater trust in you.
Crafting a Brand Story is essential to giving your Brand a Unique Position in the market place. This guide helps you to put that story together with a story plot proven to be the most effective.
Every buyer goes through the same journey. Once you know what it is, you will be able to craft your message to move them along the path to buying your solution using this template.
Define your perfect customer using this template to remove difficult annoying customers from your business. Every customer will be a raving fan of your products or services.
Create a persuasive brand along with influential marketing with help from this guide. It breaks down the exact steps you take to persuade customers to buy without coming across 'salesy'.
Ready to Launch? This checklist will ensure that you have covered the most important criteria for launching your brand. It guarantees you don't forget anything vital in a successful launch.
Get around other successful people on the same journey as you. Here you’ll find help, support, and inspiration.
Backed By Our Unconditional
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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Our Unconditional
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Along The Way I Had To Ignore Conventional Wisdom, Break All The Rules, And Do Something Completely Different To Find A Successful Way To Launch – Read The Story Below To Discover What Happened…
Let me share my personal story with you. Before Branding For Profit was developed, I failed miserably as an entrepreneur.
I had never been taught business at school and was never really that interested in making money. I just wanted to work on cool software projects that were interesting.
I was, however, inspired by some of the famous software developers such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk that had created something the world wanted and used.
So I set out to build something I thought the world needed. An events platform that would change how we discover and engage with up-coming events. Think of Eventbrite crossed with Instagram and you will be close to what I had in mind.
You can see some screenshots of the app below. For no other reason than I thought it was a cool name, I called the website and app Onit. To this day I still cringe even just saying the name ...
I wasn't alone in this endeavor. I hired some inexperienced software developers and personally mentored and trained them. In doing so I discovered I had a real talent for teaching and making things easy to understand. They eventually became great software engineers.
Below you can see me in a picture with my first employees.
I was over the moon. I thought I had finally made it. Owning a company, hiring employees and getting them involved in my software project ideas. I moved us into an office space and continued to ramp up the team
After years of coaching and mentoring my employees we had finally finished the project. I was super excited. The website and app was ready to be launched...
The sofware worked well. Both website and app had a great user interface, nicely designed and was simple to use. Being one of the best software developers in the UK I expected nothing less.
The problem was, no one wanted to use it!
I had made three of the biggest mistakes a Startup could make.
I had spent so much time focusing on becoming the best software engineer I could that it never occured to me that I needed to learn anything about marketing.
I had the "if you build it they will come" mentality. If I ever find the person that made me believe this nonsense I will beat him to a pulp!
Up until now I had spent over $150,000 dollars on developing this software! Most of this money was spent on paying employees but I had also been renting office space, buying computer and office equipment, paying utility bills, paying accountancy fees and even local area office tax.
With no one using the app or website there was literally no way to recoup this money!
Perseverance being one of my personality traits I wasn't giving up that easily.
I believed if I could just market the app people would want to use it for sure. So I devised all sorts of clever marketing tactics to build brand awareness and get people to download it.
Below you will see some of my marketing ideas:
I had coasters made to try and put in all the bars around town. It included a barcode which you could scan to download the app.
I made t-shirts hoping students would wear them and talk about the brand.
And this one is so embarrassing I can't believe I'm even sharing it. I had a huge box of condoms with the slogan "Be safe while you're Onit!" that I took to parties to hand out.
I had run out of ideas after spending loads more money on marketing material I struggled to even give away for free. To make matters worse, I had an office full of employees I couldn't pay that were all relying on this product to be a success!
I now own and run several different companies and I have done several successful product launches with more on the way.
One product is a fitness app called Fit In 5 that myself and my business partner Marvin launched together. It gives you fitness exercises in bitesize 5 min routines so that even if you are limited on time, you can still get a workout. Here are some screenshots from the app:
Below you will see pictures of Marvin on one of the biggest sports channels in the UK promoting the app.
When Fit In 5 was launched on Sky TV (UK TV Network) it had over 2 million views in the first month!
Fit In 5 was used by all sorts of famous celebrities including Luol Deng (British NBA star), Melanie Sykes and Richard Blackwood. It was even promoted in various newspaper articles and fitness magazines!
The launch was different because I had stumbled upon the secret of what makes a good Brand. Call it dumb luck or an act of God if you want. But this is how I came across it...
While on holiday I struck up a random conversation with a complete stranger by the pool side bar. Turns out this guy was very rich. He had ran several businesses, sold them and was now retired. Being in business too I decided to share with him some of the stuff I was doing. Maybe he could offer me some advice I thought.
After I finished explaining my previous failures to him, he smiled, turned to me and uttered a few simple words that I will never forget... "The problem is you don't understand humans" he said. Read some books on human psychology.
I felt insulted. Here I was pouring my heart out to this complete stranger and all he could say was that I didn't understand humans! Why would I want to understand humans I thought. They are irrational and illogical. I worked with computers because code made a lot more sense. I never spoke to the guy again after that.
When I got back from holiday I was staring at some code late at night. For a break I started to browse the web. Reading some articles on marketing I came across one that talked about the connection between marketing and human behaviour. Interesting I thought... maybe there was something to what the stranger on holiday had said.
Due to my ignorance, I had treated the stranger badly. Little did I know that he had steered me in the direction of uncovering some of the most powerful secrets to a successful company. To this day I feel terrible for not even knowing his name.
After consuming many books on the topic of human behaviour, books on advertising, and books on marketing, it became very clear what I needed to do.
We had to convince consumers we were trustworthy, highly valuable, and that we could satisfy a particular desire they had.
The best way to do this is with an amazing Brand.
Before even doing a proper launch of the fitness app, we had used some of the powerful branding techniques that I had started to develop. (The same techniques are shared with you in the Branding For Profit book). It led to a huge contract with a UK television network. The best part was, we didn't yet have a single customer!!!
We got exposure most Startups dream of before the product was fully ready. We were in such a rush to get it out we hadn't built the app to sustain a large volume of users. The service went down for several hours under the load while we frantically tried to fix it.
It was the experience of launching this App where I first learnt how to fully utilize the power of Branding.
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Discover why a brand is so important and how it made this particular entrepreneur a billionaire even though he started his business late in life.
Learn exactly what a brand is so you know what to consider when creating your own. Understand how to identify good branding elements in other companies
Take a dive into human psychology and learn the forces at play in driving their behaviour. Knowing this allows you to position your brand to take advantage of natural human tendencies.
Understand how your brand fits into marketing. You'll learn a simple process that every buyer goes through so that you know how to position yourself for a sale.
Here we distill the little known strategies that the best brands are using to capture their customers and keep them returning for years to come.
Here we show some examples of techniques used by amazing brands that had a huge impact on the market place. (Caution, these techniques are powerful and need to be used with care).
Learn the 4 Key principles you need to consider when creating a name for your brand. Not following even one of these could be detrimental to your business.
A step by step guide based on all the theory covered. You will get actionalble steps you need to take to create and market your brand for a successful launch.
Download The Full Bundle For Just $497.00!
Delivered instantly. Start your journey to attracting more customers in the next 2 minutes.
Now available for instant
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“I learnt more about business reading this book than I have learnt my entire life attending other business seminars held by so called "Gurus". I now know exactly what I need to do to make my brand profitable”
“I am new to business so I loved how simple the book was. It laid out how to create a brand in a clear and easy to follow step by step system.
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This is for anyone who wants to start or grow their business by acquiring more customers, automatically. Coaches, consultants, e-commerce, tech startups, agency owners, artists, professional service providers, influencers, information marketers, freelancers, content creators, and so on.
Branding For Profit is a brand new counterintuitive approach to creating a highly profitable brand.
It leverages powerful techniques based on human psychology scientifically proven to convert prospects into
The Branding For Profit Framework is a solution to the common problem of not being able to create a Brand that
instantly appeals to customers.
Through many years of trial and error we have created an easy step by step guide that can be applied to any
It's a guide that includes the most important principles of creating a brand that ensures you stand out in the
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this book but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want us to help you implement everything.
Yes, you can get the physical version on Amazon (simply search Branding For Profit Book). However, it is sold at a higher price and will not include any special offers or bonus material.
It works. We have a proven track record of not just utilizing this model for ourselves, but also for our private clients. The other thing our customers LOVE is that you don’t need a big budget to start. We show you techniques to create a valuable brand at a very low cost.
You are getting a copy of the Branding For Profit ebook, available instantly. The book supports all the
popular book readers such as Kindle and Apple Books. You are getting the highly
praised Fast Start Branding Video Course. This is an on demand implementation series that guides you through
from start to finish. You will know how to create a profitable Brand within hours rather than weeks or months.
You are also getting the other bonus material: Brand Style Guide Template, The Perfect Story Guide,
Buyers Journey Template, The Perfect Customer Template,
access to our FB community, The Persuasive Brand Guide, and a Launch Checklist.
An account will be made for you on our training portal called Software Startup Academy.
We initially created this portal to train our own internal staff. Now it's available for our clients too.
Once you have set the password for your account, simply log in. Your book and bonus material will be
instantly available. (Email instructions will be sent after purchase on how to set your password).
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the book.
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